The thought of moving and packing up the entirety of your belongings may be daunting; however, it doesn’t have to be as stressful as your last move because you’ll have learned a thing or two since then.
If you haven’t however, or if you haven’t moved before and it is completely new territory for you, then be sure to take notes:
- The best way to tackle the move is to face it head-on – and this involves making sure that every last task is completed. Start with the most difficult room.
- The key to moving as painlessly as possible is to begin the process in plenty of time and to be organised. You’ll need a checklist and a planner at the ready.
Expert Help
Even if you’ve moved many times before and believe you’re now well-equipped with tools to help you move seamlessly, you’ll still appreciate the help that comes in the form of professional movers. These teams of people can help you get your things where they need to be, and without fuss, it’s their job to transport your goods so that you can relax and focus on other tasks such as updating your location information and measuring furniture.
Resist the temptation of booking the first local company you find after a cursory internet search, and instead do your research through sites such as and find out which companies are rated most highly for professionalism and efficiency.
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What Is Coming With You
Once you know that you’re moving, then it’s time to sort through your possessions and decide what you’re going to move into your new home with you, and what can be thrown away or given to charity.
One quick tip is to be ruthless; you know in your heart that you don’t need three copies of the same book or seventeen pairs of jeans. Now is the time to collect up what you no longer wear, use, or love and donate it. Create clear piles of what is to keep and what is to throw in the trash, and label certain items if you’re at all worried that a friend or partner might accidentally not realise their value to you. If you know you have a lot of junk to get rid of you may want to hire a small dumpster from a reputable company such as Temporary Dumpster.
Boxes and Labels
Get your belongings boxed up early and clearly label the contents of each box so that you can avoid having to rummage through them in desperation at a later date. Keep items that you frequently use in a weekend bag – something like a holdall so that you can store away your wallet, keys, toiletries, and underwear all in one convenient place that’s to hand when you need it.
Packing Up Furniture
When dismantling items such as desks, chairs, and bedside tables, be sure to keep the bolts and screws safe and attached to the appropriate piece.
Carefully bound them all up in tape so that they don’t get lost and tie them to the leg of the chair, for example, where they came from. When packing up fragile furnishings, you should go above and beyond to protect the delicate parts, such as glass.
Importantly, and wherever possible, instead of purchasing single-use plastic sheeting and wrap, put your trust in old garments of clothing to do the job of protecting your possessions.

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