Although for the majority of the time life will go smoothly, you might even think that it is boring and that you want a bit more adventure, there will be times when you have to face some big challenges. These challenges could be utterly life-changing, or they might be temporary setbacks, but whatever they are and however serious they are, knowing how to deal with them will make things a lot easier. Here are some ways that you can deal with these challenges as they come at you, helping you to get back on track sooner rather than later.
Don’t Compare
Everyone has their own personal limits on how much they can take when these problems come in their lives. Don’t assume that just because someone else has what you might consider a worse time of it than you that your own problems aren’t valid. By comparing your problems to someone else’s, you aren’t putting things in perspective. Instead, you are minimizing your own problems and berating yourself for being upset or worried.
This is not a healthy way to deal with things, and will only make you feel worse. You might even try to hide your own problems because they don’t ‘match up’ to other people’s. Since everyone is different and deals with things in their own way, what is a challenge for one might not be for another. This means you need to just listen to your own feelings and don’t assume that your problems are any less valid than anyone else’s.
Talk To A Professional
Talking is something that can help greatly when you are feeling challenged in life. If you don’t open up to someone, you might internalize your problems, and that will make you feel much worse. By talking, you are ‘getting it off your chest’, and although it may sound like a cliché, this is actually something that will take the pressure off you, and relieve you of some of the burdens of whatever it is you are worried about.
Talking to a professional may seem scary at first, and it is a big step, but once you begin you will find that you become more and more able to articulate how you are feeling and what you want to achieve. Professional therapists will know exactly how to make you feel more comfortable and will ask just the right questions so that you feel happier about opening up regarding any issues you might be having.
There are some different options to consider:
- One on one therapy sessions
- Group therapy sessions
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
You can also talk to friends and family if you prefer that idea. Although they might not have the training to get to the root of the problem, sometimes just being able to talk to someone about what you are going through is enough.
Also, not every issue is psychological. For instance, you or your loved ones might have met with an accident. Even in such a situation, you must keep calm and contact the right professionals. You can visit this link to learn more about it.
Be With Positive People
Not everyone likes to talk, or it might take some time to get into a position where you are comfortable going to a therapist or even talking to loved ones. If this sounds like you, then you should be surrounding yourself with positive people as much as possible. By being around people who are able to see the good in situations, you will learn a lot, and their positivity will help to negate some of the negativity you are feeling.
Whatever you do, don’t hang out exclusively with people who are suffering from the same or similar issues as you. This will make you feel worse, and will constantly remind you of the problems you are facing. Although it can be good to talk to people who understand what you are going through, this shouldn’t be your only recourse.
Create A Contingency Plan
Not everything in life is unexpected. You know that loved ones will pass away, for example. You know that you are at risk of an accident when you get into your car. You know that you could get sick, or someone you love could get sick. There are many more examples besides these. Although they may be a shock when they happen, they are part of life, and if you can create a contingency plan for these challenges, you will be more ready to face them.
Once the plan is created and put in place, you can then forget all about it until the time comes when you need to use it. This will help to keep you focused and calm no matter what the problem might be. You might have an open and honest dialogue about death and what each family member wants when it comes to their funeral, for example, or you might look into therapists that will suit you should you need them, so you know immediately who to call. Perhaps you will have a list of people to contact in the event of a car accident like your insurers or a lawyer. You can read more here about why this is important.
Get Healthy
When you’re not physically healthy, your mind won’t be healthy either – your entire body is connected. So if you’re not taking care of yourself, then you will find it a lot harder to deal with those big changes and challenges that you come across in life. The healthier you are, the better you are able to cope, both physically and mentally.
RELATED: ‘Mind + Body + Spirit = Well-being’ Workbook
Make sure that you:
- Exercise on a daily basis (just 30 minutes of exercise a day can help to keep you healthy)
- Sleep well (it’s best to aim for between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night)
- Eat a balanced diet
- Keep hydrated
- Take up a hobby that allows you to forget about your problems
- Visit the doctor when you feel unwell and schedule regular check-ups
It’s also important that you don’t fall into bad habits like smoking, drinking too much, or taking drugs. Although these may make you feel better temporarily, over time they will cause you many more problems than you had before, and are best to avoid.

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