I have travelled quite a few times this year; Paris, Amsterdam, Italy & Norway and on these travels, I’ve had time to think and reflect over the past few years – and especially as I am turning 40 in 9 days, I have been thinking about what a woman in her 40 really needs. So I’ve compiled a list inspired by ‘40 Life Lessons‘ I’ve learned on my journey so far.
1. Life Insurance
Life is short and one day your loved ones will have to plan your funeral and their lives without you. Make it so much easier for them by getting some life insurance ASAP. I pay £30 per month for a half a million-pound term life insurance policy. So; if you haven’t already got one, make sure you put this on your to-do list and get it done.
2. Real friends
The kind you can cry with. The kind with whom you can share your greatest source of shame and your greatest source of pride – just honest to goodness friends to the end. The older we get, we realise that it’s the quality that matters, not the quantity.
3. A savings account with ‘emergency’ money
Because life happens and one day something might happen that requires extra money – it’s a must that you’re prepared for that ‘just in case something happens’ moment. I recommend at least one month’s living expenses (if you’re an entrepreneur, then I would include one month’s business expenses as well). Six months is better.

4. Life Planner
Invest in good quality, a big journal where you write your 5-year plan – 1 page per month. Write down your goals, highlights & achievements every month including your future plans.
RELATED: How to create a Journaling Practice
5. Signature Style
By the time we enter our #BlissfulForties, we do have an idea of what our style is; the size of clothes & shoes, colours, shape, make-up, scent etc. I actually had my feet measured quite recently – turned out I’ve been wearing the wrong size my entire life!

6. Courage
You’re not living if you never do things that scare you. The things that scare you the most are the things that matter to you most. Courageous women have full lives filled with the experiences, people and things they want.
RELATED: Get out of your comfort zone
7. A favourite form of fitness
Every woman needs to move her body. Consistently working out is the key and it has nothing to do with weight loss. It has to do with celebrating what your body can do. Walking, yoga, bike riding, swimming, dancing, lifting weights – find a favourite and do it all the time.
RELATED: Creating a Yoga Practice at Home
8. A crave list
Every year I create a craving list. I put everything I really wanted at the time on that list, regardless of how plausible I thought it is to actually accomplish it.
9. To love herself
Most women struggle with this. We love parts of ourselves but not our whole selves. How would life be different for you if you were to love every inch of your body (including the stretch marks and the belly fat), every part of your personality and every other aspect of who you are regardless?

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