Everything changes after having a baby; your sleep, diet, routine, and even your body. Likewise, it also changes the relationship you have with your partner. Intimacy and attention are essential to make your relationship grow, and you seem to go slack on these fronts. But do not worry because you are not the first couple to experience this. You can ignite that love all over again by following a few easy ways. Here are some simple hacks to reclaim your relationship intimacy effortlessly.
Be compassionate
If you find the intimate desires fading with time, make sure to understand the reasons behind the change. Small misunderstandings can become conflicts in the long run. But quarrelling and arguing will not help you in any way. Listen to your spouse empathically and understand their feelings. Maybe they resent being ignored because of the baby. Listening will help you know what is going wrong and what their desires are.
Quit the competition
Do not play the game of who’s doing more work or who is better. Being both mom and dad is tough. You are the same team, and if you realize it, everything will get better before you know it. Instead of complaining, work upon your relationship. So ditch that scoreboard and get back to being a lover and cheerleader. Have fun with your bundle of joy, and continue to share hopes and dreams.

Get experimental
After having kids, it becomes complex to relish those intimate moments. But making love is the best way to stay in your relationship. Take out time and get experimental to ignite the lost interest. Talk about new positions and guide each other while at the moment. Eventually, you will both open up and make it a part of your routine.
Take out time for yourself
After having a baby, women get occupied and cannot take out time for themselves. Self-pampering is a must, so you must try and cultivate some time alone. Get back that magic by getting a facial, manicure, or pedicure. It is also like foreplay to intimacy with your spouse. Nurture yourself and see the difference in you and your relationship soon.

Get creative
Never stop being a lover. Do not lose that intimacy even after having babies. Get creative with gifts and surprises. Give your partner a surprise gift, leave a short note to let them find, or even organize a candlelight dinner. It is high time to rekindle the romance in your marriage. Find moments to enjoy and laugh together. It is one of the great tips to keep your relationship stronger.
These were the five secrets to reclaim your relationship intimacy, even after having kids. Do not settle for an unhappy marriage. Work for it, fight for it, and relive the time you were waiting for so long. Enjoy every moment as you will never get them again. Hopefully, now you have some ideas to take out time for each other to strengthen your marriage!

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