“Sometimes the menopause is a nuisance, but on the whole, I quite like it. I feel like I’m being ’rounded off.’ I just like the feeling of completing a whole area of my life. And then – well, who knows what I might do next? – Benni, 50”
- Caroline Carr (Menopause: The Guide for Real Women)
As per a study conducted in 2020, a high majority of women worldwide went through their perimenopause stage around the age of 40 to 45 years. Similarly, women in Poland said that they underwent their perimenopause stage before or at completing 45 years.
The dramatic transition of menopause can be recognized as a phase of inspiration and independence from many health complications and bodily changes. It is a great change bringing new experiences for you.
The attitude you carry while entering into the menopause stage leaves a huge impact on your health and overall mood. It is a choice of behaviour deciding if you will reduce or accelerate the severe side-effects of menopause on your health. For example – the more you will think about hot flashes as a massive challenge, the more difficult it will be for you to bear the intense hot flashes. All such factors may lead to depression or access stress too.

Meg Mathews
The intense phase – perimenopause
During this phase, your body begins to show enough signs of menopause. One fantastic fact about perimenopause is that it occurs months or years before the menopause period begins. This often leads to confusion, in many cases making a woman feel more irritated. The common symptoms to be addressed include – hot flashes, irregular periods, sleep disturbance, vaginal dryness, irritation, excessive mood swings, and much more.
Evaluate the contraception options – Even when you have reached the perimenopause stage, there are still some chances of you getting pregnant. Therefore, birth control is one of the highly preferred methods to deal with unwanted pregnancy news. You should get the birth control treatment for at least a year after your periods stop.

POI – The rising challenge
POI is the end result of low estrogen levels in your body. It is a top way to get to the menopause stage earlier than usual. POI (primary ovarian insufficiency) causes a young woman (40 years old or younger) to have occasional or no periods at all. Here, one may need to change the processes or treatments of menopause relief, dealing with FSH levels, and much more. Generally, one will experience common menopause symptoms here, but it may lead to drastic changes to the body and hormonal imbalance.
POI leaves the maximum impact on one’s sex life and brain functioning. Therefore, practitioners recommend timely diagnoses in such cases.

The final line –
The Signs of menopause stop, start and then again stop sometimes. It’s rare, but slight hormonal changes can lead to such fluctuations in the menopause phase. Therefore, the menopause tour is an incredible and hassling journey for every woman. For the best, one should be aware of all symptoms, know how to deal with them, and work on all factors leading you towards the best results.

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