Cannabis consumption has pumped up over the last few decades. Thanks to its commendable health benefits, more and more people use different forms of cannabis to get relief from an assortment of medical conditions, including anxiety, chronic pain, and even cancer.
With the growing demand for the plant, many people wonder what’s the best way to ingest cannabis. Well, it depends on a bunch of factors. Below, we have shared different ways to consume cannabis and their different effects on the human body.
Smoking has to be the oldest method of ingesting cannabis. Not only is it convenient to use, but it also produces immediate euphoric effects that help the person to calm down. To date, the majority of cannabis users prefer smoking to other methods of consumption. Another reason why smoking is prevalent is that it does not require the user to know any technical know-how to use it.
Vaping is a relatively new method of ingesting marijuana. It is considered a more convenient and less harmful method than typical smoking. A vaping device heats cannabis concentrate to a point just below the point of combustion, and the ingredients are inhaled as a vapour. Different types of vape devices, such as vape pods, vape mods, vape pens, cigalikes, and disposable vapes, are available in the market.

This has to be the most effective form of taking up the medicinal effects of cannabis. People with severe medical conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and cancer prefer taking cannabis tinctures as they have instant and effective effects with an effective duration of nearly 6 to 7 hours (same as edibles). Experts suggest tinctures be the most effective form of cannabis concentrates. These are versatile as tinctures can be consumed through drinks and beverages like smoothies.
Edibles have to be the second most popular method of ingesting cannabis. It’s a popular choice among health-conscious groups of people who don’t prefer smoking or vaping. Moreover, people who don’t like the taste of cannabis oils and capsules prefer eating edibles as these are pretty tasty.
Gummies are the most popular type of edible, enjoying a huge following all across the U.S. People use it for both recreational and medicinal purposes. Pain relief, stress relief, and body relaxation; are some of the primary reasons people prefer edibles. Other forms are candies, chocolates, cookies, lollipops, etc. Edibles are known for their stronger and higher psychoactive effects because when you ingest edibles, they go through your bloodstream and convert THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) into the more potent 11-Hydroxy-THC.

If you’re a beginner who wants to get relief from pain, anxiety, and stress, you may prefer edibles. Also, whatever method you choose, make sure to always start with a low dosage and analyze how the product is working for your body – don’t forget to regularly check if your edibles are expired. Cannabis is a complex plant with a wide range of therapeutic properties. It works differently for different bodies. The best way to deal with cannabis consumption is to experiment with its different forms and see what works best for your body’s requirements.

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