One of my lifelong dreams was to travel via a private jet. Each time I would walk through an airport terminal to board my commercial flight, I would admire the passengers on the other end. The private jet hangar always seemed peaceful and less chaotic compared to what I endured each time.
I made it a goal to fly private and put a timeline to it. My objective was that last year would not end without me flying private, be it via Jettly or any other service out there. I am one person who follows through with his goals once decided. This personal trait saw me research more about private flights and how much they cost. Previously, my main fear had been, the cost of the ticket would lock me out of this dream. However, my research did yield an interesting discovery, it did not cost that much to fly this option. In fact, there were ways to even cut down on the cost.
I flew on a private jet five times last year and I plan to up that number this year. In this guide, I will enlighten you on the ticket options that you have when it comes to private jets.
1. Book by the Seat
Booking by seat is the most popular way that most individual travellers like you and I travel on private jets. This option is what I use each time I fly private. When it comes to booking by seat, you will call your travel agent or the plane chartering company and book a ticket to travel to a certain destination. When you visit their website, they’ll let you know all about currency, tipping, and all to explore, and may even fix your itinerary for a particular destination.
The agent will then look at all the available private flights to that destination and book you a single seat in one of them. This method of booking a private jet sees you travel with other people who are going in the same direction as you. It is a common option for many solo entrepreneurs and business people who are looking to meet clients in different localities.
2. Private Charter
For someone who knows little about flying private, each time they hear the term ‘private jet’, what goes through their mind is what chartering companies call private charter. Here, you will book the entire plane for your personal use. It means that you do not have to travel with any strangers or suit your travelling time to their specific needs.
Private charters are the way to go if you would like to go on a family vacation or on a business trip with your colleagues. It is also a common method of travel for most celebrities. The benefit of travelling this way is that it allows you to bring along several pets with you provided they meet the weight requirements.

3. Membership Cards
I must admit that this was by far the most interesting discovery I made when learning about flying private. With this option, you will buy a membership card that offers you a certain number of hours you can fly private in a year. Once you exhaust these hours, you can then pay to renew the card.
I found this to be a viable option if you would like to travel several times a year especially if you are in business. True to my intuition, further research revealed to me that it’s an option that most companies buy for their business executives.
4. Shared Charters
Shared charters are the opposite of private charters in (2) above. Here, if I was the one taking the charter, I would book an entire private plane and then sell each seat separately to other travellers. Shared charters work in almost the same way as booking by seat; however, the plane may still fly when not full. It is also cheaper than booking by seat.
Flying private is a dream of many. You can make this dream a reality by exploring any of the booking options that I shared in this post and reaching your destination in style.

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