Cosmetic surgery is popular – in 2019, there were 27,000 procedures in the UK. With modern medicine, all sorts of surgeries are available to alter the appearance of your body. As long as the patient has realistic expectations, picks an appropriate surgery, and has a sense of wellbeing in their life, cosmetic surgery can help boost their self-confidence. Below, we explore some of these benefits.
Our physical appearance and self-esteem are intrinsically linked, and cosmetic surgery – for the right reasons – can help boost your mood. Maybe cosmetic surgery might help a patient feel more youthful. Or perhaps the surgery might help a patient fit into their favourite clothes again. These little boosts to your mood shouldn’t be underestimated. Often, other techniques to change your body like dieting don’t significantly alter self-esteem and can be hard to maintain. In these situations, cosmetic surgery can be a useful way to boost your self-esteem.

Quality of life
Another benefit is that cosmetic surgery can boost your quality of life too. Aside from improving your self-esteem, cosmetic surgery can enhance your life in other ways too. Other procedures, such as rhinoplasty can boost your appearance by reshaping or repairing the nose. This can go beyond cosmetic purposes and solve medical issues for patients who have difficulty breathing or if they have congenital disabilities. In a similar way, breast reduction can have a useful physical impact too. A reduction can ease back and neck pain while also encouraging a better posture for yourself.

Positive body image
Your body image is a strong indicator of your self-confidence. If you have a positive body image, then it’s likely that you’ll feel comfortable in yourself. But if your self-perception is negative, it can have harmful effects on your mental wellbeing. As long as the patient doesn’t have a body dysmorphia issue, surgery can be a good way of changing your body image and allowing someone to build up a more positive opinion of themselves.

More outgoing
With procedures that increase your self-worth by altering a physical attribute, you feel self-conscious about, you might find yourself with more social confidence. This in turn could help you become more outgoing. You might find yourself with the confidence to meet new people, date, speak publicly and apply for people-facing jobs.
As long as cosmetic surgery is an appropriate option, it can provide a patient with many boosts. It can help improve your body image and self-esteem, which in turn can help you to be more outgoing and improve your quality of life. By thinking carefully about the pros and cons, you’ll be in a good place to decide whether surgery is right for you.

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