You might have guessed as much by now, that I absolutely love cooking (and eating) and buying seasonal groceries – especially at a Farmer’s Market. When you buy seasonal produce, you not only save money and support local farmers, but you also prepare the best and freshest tasting meals!
I haven’t been to a Farmer’s Market since I went to Paris last year, even though there are a few great and well-known markets in and around London (tut tut!), so I end up going to Morrisons almost every day and buy fresh produce according to what’s on our menu that day.
If you don’t have a local farmers’ market near you, you can take the below list and take it into your supermarket to help guide your shopping.
Vegetables in Season during Summer:
- Radishes
- Arugula
- Cucumber
- Beets
- Bell Peppers
- Carrots
- Zucchini
- Garlic
- Corn
- Rhubarb
Fruits in Season during Summer:
- Apricots
- Plums
- Cherries
- Blackberries
- Nectarines
- Strawberries
- Peaches
- Tomatoes
- Passion Fruit
- Melon
- Lemon
- Limes

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