Being connected 24/7 does have its benefits, but when is too much? As you know; I have been working on clearing my physical space for months now (and it’s an ongoing process) and it has been rewarding and life changing!
For the last few days I have been working on de-cluttering my digital space; emails, social media, photos, apps, storage and more (this too is going to be an ongoing process). Yes, it’s time-consuming, but so worth it.
I realised that I was checking my emails every morning, and then deleting 99% of them because they were sales emails from stores and services – and I honestly never ever read them.
So deleting them obviously seemed so much easier than unsubscribing, right? Nope! I was so wrong!
I decided to spend time daily unsubscribing from all of the emails that I would normally delete, and now; I wake up to an almost empty Inbox!
It may take a week or two of unsubscribing, but soon I’ll have an Inbox that ONLY contains those emails that I WANT to read.
This space that I’ve created simply from de-cluttering that one thing has given me the joy of actually reading through the emails that matters to me.

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