Ah vacation.  How many of us don’t sometimes wish we could escape the hustle, bustle, & day-to-day responsibilities of our normal lives for a week of fun and relaxation somewhere far, far away?

The truth is that for many of us a traditional vacation is not always in the cards.  Between restaurants, hotels, and transportation, travel costs can add up fast especially when those costs are multiplied for a family.  And even when the cost isn’t a factor, sometimes health concerns or work obligations prevent us from leaving town anytime the urge strikes.

But that doesn’t mean when Spring Break or summer vacation time rolls around and the kids are home from school that you can’t still have a great time! This year, why not plan a vacation in your own backyard?  A true Staycation is more than just a week at home, it is an intentional time of fun and relaxation for your whole family.  It does take a little effort to do it right, but can ultimately be just as satisfying as going somewhere far away.


The point of a Staycation is to make it feel as much like a real family getaway as possible, without leaving the comfort of your own home.  Thus, to make sure the whole family is on the same page, it is good to start with some ground rules that everyone can agree on.  Start with deciding exactly when your vacation at home starts and ends, and then set a few guidelines for what your family may and may not do during this time.

These could include all or some of the following:

  • No smart phone, computer or video games (Digital Detox)
  • No email
  • No television
  • No working from home (Work/Life Balance)
  • No worrying
  • No fighting
  • Family time only – no independent activities or outside plans
  • No cooking
  • No cleaning
  • No laundry


StayCation Guide

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