Menstrual pain is something millions of women associate themselves with. Not a single day goes without finding an optimum relief for those excruciating symptoms. Isn’t it? While symptoms might vary from mild to severe, here are some ways that help you live a happy life.
Do you want to know what that could be? Let’s find out now!
Take Help of The “Green Power”
When your abdomen feels miserable because of the aches, many times, women opt for chocolates. But this is not a healthy way to treat your problem. We won’t be talking about the healthy, well-balanced diet in this section at all. Instead, all you have to do is add those extra elements to help you battle this pain.
What do we mean by that? Well! Adding foods rich in magnesium (that’s usually a part of dark green leafy vegetables) should be a part of your routine. This is because this mineral helps with muscle relaxation.

Let “Nuts” Help You With The Pain
Nuts contain lower levels of manganese that’s shown to help with increased period pains as well as other symptoms like mood swings or concentration issues. You can opt for hazelnuts, pecans, macadamia, and walnuts to get access to this mineral. You can even go for pumpkin, chia, sesame, or sunflower seeds and have comfortable periods.
Take The “Herbs” Route
Usually, the root cause of menstrual issues lies with the changing hormonal levels. And a lot of herbs like Chasteberry and Wild yam have potent efficacy in returning the hormonal levels back to their standard range. So, opting for supplements containing these herbs will help you with at-home menstrual relief without any hassles. They will help you to balance the estrogen and progesterone levels and alleviate symptoms associated with periods significantly.
Don’t Forget to Drink Water
You need to keep yourself hydrated. And drinking water is the best way to do that. Otherwise, your body will keep on retaining water. Drinking water will also help relieve pain since it increases the blood flow and allows the muscles to relax.
You can also include herbal tea like raspberry leaf teas if you don’t like drinking a lot of water to reduce menstrual pain.

Keep Going With Some Physical Activity
Understandably, you can’t think about exercising when you have an aching belly. But a little physical activity will help you in many ways. It will help you stretch your muscles, which will eventually reduce cramping.
Also, exercises release endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain relievers. So, you can go for a walk or a swim session to feel better. You can also try yoga to strengthen your body and relax your mind.

Wrapping up
Menstrual pain and other symptoms often deviate women from their day-to-day life activities. This is usually a cause of concern for many. But a minor modification in your daily routine can help you deal with this issue relatively quickly.
Hopefully, the options mentioned above will help you start in the right direction and enable you to lead a happy period.

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