Can you believe we are halfway through June already? I still remember writing my New Year’s resolutions and planning the first quarter of 2016! So far, this year has been pretty interesting I must admit – this is what I have been up to (so far):
- Financial Education ( Ann Wilson’s Wealth Course and Kate Northrup’s 21-day Money Love Challenge)
- The Fire Starter Session Audio course by Danielle LaPorte
- Finalist ‘Network SHE Foundation International Women’s Day Award’
- Wealth Insights Seminar by Dr Joanna Martin
- Cala Retreats’ Yoga Retreat
- Design Talk @ The National Federation of Women’s Institutes, Oxhey Village Violets
- Winner of BoConcept ‘Ones to Watch 2016’
- Holiday in India
- Ambassador Hema
- Joined the GYM!
- Life Coach Diploma (CPD)
- Got tattooed
- Holiday in Norway
A couple of years ago, I attended a seminar where the host said that if we didn’t buy her package when we came back a year after we’d be more likely to be at the same place as we were when we attended the seminar. I found that quite rude. No one stays in the same place – we all move somehow and somewhere. I know that I have come a LONG way in the last 2-3 years. I am nowhere where I once used to be.
“Never stop believing in yourself – no matter what others say. Only you know your journey. No one but YOU knows how hard you work, how many hours you put in behind the scenes, so rely on yourself for approval, not the outside world.”

I love June. Warm days, beach walks, hydrangeas and farmers’ markets…..Time for sunny days and blues skies…Hello June…Summer is almost here…..Happy June!

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