It seems each year goes by faster than the previous – and this year is no different. I know there’s that explanation out there that says time flies by faster as you get older since a year becomes less of a percentage of your life as you get older, but damn, we’re halfway through 2020. I can’t believe I’ll turn 43 in less than 5 months from now!
“Life does go on, it never stops, but that doesn’t mean we can’t. Because we can keep still and listen, observe, take in each moment, accept every gift along the way and realize how blessed we are just to be right here, right now, alive and brimming with indefatigable human potential.”
So as we have reached halfway through 2020 already, I thought it’s about time, to sum up, my achievements and blessings instead of worrying about things that didn’t go according to plan (New Year’s Resolutions).
Over the last couple of years, I’ve learnt that it’s crucial to celebrate our small wins – celebrate life. Small wins help you feel like you’re accomplishing something. If we focus too much on the bigger goals, we’ll feel like we will never get there. That’s why smaller wins are so important. They give us the motivation to keep ongoing.
- Dreams can come true – belief in them
- How to say what you mean – life will be a breeze
- Expect the best – you get what you expect
- Forgiveness creates happiness – decide to let go
- How to say no – you will stop being a victim
- Everything changes – bad times will pass
- How to accept a compliment – smile and say thanks
- Persistence pays – don’t take no for an answer
- How to smile dazzlingly – it will light up your life
Create a ‘Feel Good Folder‘ for the rest of 2020. Download the #FREE ‘Monthly Round-up’ printable below and write in at least one highlight/achievement for each day – at the end of the month read through your list and celebrate!
#FREE Download – Monthly Round-up

*Don’t forget to download my #FREE Lifestyle APP Live a Well-Designed Life