In today’s technologically advanced and fast-paced world, it seems like children growing up without much play. Mobile, tv or school work takes up most of their time. However, it is important for children to have adventures in a playground not only to get a break from their other activities but also because community playgrounds develop their mental, physical, and social skills.

Let’s take a look at how community playgrounds aid in children’s overall growth.

How Community Playground Can Help Child's Overall Growth

Builds Physical Capability

In local playgrounds children play by running around, climbing, using playground equipment, etc. These activities can improve strength, endurance, cardiovascular health and weight management. Playing outdoors also improves the immunity system of kids.

Playing in community parks results in children becoming tired and going to bed at the right time. This makes their sleep cycle well maintained and they wake up feeling refreshed. Obesity in kids which is a major problem in the US can be kept in check with community playgrounds.

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Provides Social Interaction

Community playgrounds are places where children meet and interact with their peers. Social interactions,  help children learn about things such as how to make a network of friends, adjust to social norms and even become independent. Shared game activities develop their team working and listening.

Human relationships by collaboration and negotiation with peers are learned in the playground. The diverse range of children in a community playground also helps in making children more accepting of diversity.

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Benefits Cognitive Development

Free playing in a community playground grows children’s critical thinking skills by helping them realise what works and what doesn’t. The motor skills of your young child will be much better because of playtime. Children can play for hours in a playground and this improves their attention span which modern technology seems to be ruining. Playtime also allows the kid’s development of leadership skills among their peers.

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How To Build A Community Playground

Now that we know about the amazing ways in which a community playground affects a children’s group, you might start looking for a community playground or start building one in your local area. Spread the word about community playgrounds and their benefits in neighbourhood forums to gain traction for a playground. The first steps of actually building a playground are envisioning a play area and then analyzing its ability to serve as a community playground. For the approval of land and the funding, processes differ based on the location.

Adding facilities such as playing equipment for swings and sea -saws, benches, waste containers, etc comes next. Eco-friendly commercial playground equipment can be a great way of teaching kids about the importance of protecting the Earth and its natural resources. Age and development appropriate challenges should be added into playgrounds to encourage skill learning and build. You can ask the other parents in the local area to volunteer in the building of the playground. After the playground is ready you will also have to keep up with its maintenance.

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Every parent wants the very best for their child. We want our children to have both work and playtime for their proper development. This is where the community playgrounds come into the picture. The things that children learn in a playground are something that cannot be taught in homes or schools. Having a community playground is essential for a child’s complete overall growth.

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