It is time to Spring forward this weekend (clocks go back), which means the official start of British Summer Time. Of course, this news is met with much excitement and joy, this winter, after all, has been a cold and long one!
What is not so nice, however, is that it means we lose an hour in bed – not sure about you but I am seriously looking forward to it!
Here are my five top tips to help you cope with the hours’ lost sleep this weekend.
Sleep in on Sunday
What are Sunday’s for if not to take a well-deserved lie in? Make the most of your bed and spend Sunday morning relaxing in bed. Ensure not to oversleep, however, as The Sleep Council suggests that this can impact negatively on your body clock.
Compensate on Sunday Night
As you will be losing an hour sleep on Saturday night it may be a good idea to get your head down a little earlier on Sunday to prepare you for the working week. Monday mornings are never easy, so to treat yourself with a nice breakfast.
RELATED: Sunday Evening Rituals
Have an afternoon nap
Not going to manage an early night? Allocate time in the afternoon to have a little snooze.
Keep the light out of the bedroom
Sunlight naturally wakes you up and with the clocks going forward that light will penetrate through your curtains an hour earlier. Ensure you have blackout curtains to keep you asleep that little while longer, come Monday morning every minute will count.
Create a good sleeping environment
Your bedroom should be a relaxing retreat, an atmosphere meant for relaxation and conducive to sleep.
RELATED: How to Create the Perfect Sleep Sanctuary
Make the most of the extra hour awake
The extra hour awake is the perfect opportunity to do something a little extra. Grab a healthy breakfast, take a bike ride, join a yoga class, swim or jog. This is your hour to achieve something that will set you up on the right path to embracing the week ahead.
RELATED: What makes You feel Alive in Your Life? Go back to the Heart of it All!
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