Depression and poor lifestyle choices are so closely related to each other that after a certain time, it almost becomes impossible to discern which one was the cause for the other. Nevertheless, there is little doubt about the fact that poor choices in lifestyle actively and passively contribute to depression, whether the person is already depressed, or was initially free of depression. The very first step to avoiding making the same mistakes over and over again is to realize what they are first, which is why we have listed some of the most common and negative lifestyle choices that instigate and worsen depressive episodes or chronic depression.
RELATED: For more information, visit deep thinkers and depression
An alcoholic seldom realizes that he/she is an alcoholic and often shows signs of aggression when the term is associated with them. While depression is what leads to alcoholism in some cases, alcoholism also leads to depression in most cases. Sometimes, an alcoholic just uses a depressive episode or a stressful situation as an excuse to drink.
Drug Addiction
Not unlike alcoholism, depression and drugs fuel each other until a person’s financial, mental and social status is completely ruined.
No amount of illegal drug intake in any form can be condoned for legal and moral obligations, but you know it’s taking a turn for the worse when you start to feel more depressed without the substance present in your system than you did before.
Unless monitored by a licensed psychiatrist or a neurologist, even antidepressants can create a severe dependence, so do not take them without proper medical supervision either.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Strong depression will feel like it’s physically crippling you from taking action, and it most possibly is! The imbalance in serotonin and dopamine levels can physically interfere with our ability to exercise.
The great part about exercise is that the moment you complete your first set of pushups or a simple 500-meter jog, the endorphins automatically begin to push away the debilitating effect. All you need to do is take that first step, although it will likely be hard to do so every single day in the beginning.
Can You Do Better?
Here’s the good news: just like poor lifestyle choices contribute to and worsen the effects of depression, refraining from them or replacing them with healthier choices can actually help us recover from depression more quickly. A nutritious diet, regular exercise, and moderate social mingling are all key components to unlocking the door that leads to happiness. While clinically depressed individuals will still need proper therapy and medication from facilities like Serenity Mental Health Centers or healing, adopting a healthier lifestyle can accelerate the recovery process and make treatment significantly more effective.
Seek Help
If you know you want to make a change but are unable to do so on your own, you should consider seeking professional guidance at a treatment centre. It makes perfect sense to be a resident in a place that’s designed to cut out the negative factors that are instigating and affecting the individual’s depression. In the outside world, one cannot be expected to refrain from themselves all on their own, when at every step there are so many reasons and lures inviting them to stay exactly where they are and sink even deeper into the abyss.
So, with a little more understanding of what can contribute to depression, overcoming the disorder is possible.

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