At every age, I have been a bit proud of the year under my belt. But this one is different. My 40th birthday arrives in 18 days (a birthday post will come nearer the time) and I am super excited! Especially as I am treating myself to a day trip to Paris – My Future Home!
So it’s only fair to say that this month I am inspired to…
Have you ever taken the time to think about what makes your life special? We are all pretty good at recognising the big moments in life like birthdays, awards and weddings. Some people tend to really focus only on the major milestones and accomplishments – I am pretty guilty of this!
But what about the little things? Do you celebrate the little things in life? You see, even on the gloomiest days, there are happy moments happening in your life and in the world around you. You’ll only find those moments if you take the time to really look for them.
“Make it a goal to celebrate life in some way, however small, every day.”
The truth is that there’s no such thing as a “little” little thing or moment. Every moment is precious and can never be repeated. This is the essence of mindfulness, of living in and being supremely aware of the present. Consider that life is a gift, one that we only have for a comparatively short period. As such, no moment should be squandered, either by wallowing in painful memories or agonising over future developments or sitting idly by and doing nothing today.
We all have so many blessings in our lives. And yet most of the time we fail to notice them. We don’t recognise them properly, forget them, or simply take them for granted. We lose sight of them, and that’s a critical mistake.
In reality, these little things have a huge impact on our lives. That’s why we should learn to recognise their value.
Celebrating the little things is easy enough to do. It doesn’t require an expenditure of money or take a lot of time. A simple acknowledgement of the little thing, the little moment is enough. This serves to bring your mind back to the present and allows you the opportunity to give thanks for this precious gift.
[bctt tweet=”CELEBRATING THE LITTLE THINGS: Life itself is a reason to celebrate!” username=”kiransingh”]
Here are my 5 simple ways to celebrate your every day.
- Start your day as a celebration.
- Be aware of the Micro Achievements – every little achievement counts!
- Celebrate others!
- Do something out of the ordinary – get out of your comfort zone!
- Celebrate every evening.

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