There is no wonder that your baby’s skin is kissably soft most of the time. But will it always remain the same? Obviously not. It can dry out, which can lead to skin irritation also.
Let’s face it – the Winter months need extra care and nourishment, especially when it comes to your baby. The reason is the air in the winters is dry, which draws moisture away from the skin, leading to dryness. Moreover, if the winter winds are harsh at your place, it can worsen the problem and may lead to cracked skin also.
So, how can you beat this problem and take proper care of your little one in the cold months? Read further to find out!
Short and sweet baths – If you love to spend much time bathing your toddler, you need to pay attention here. Hour-long baths in the winters can actually cause dryness to the infants. Note that there is no need to get newborns/babies bathed every day. Experts advise that bathing the infant three times a week is enough for them.
Another way here is to wipe them up with a washcloth for non-bath days. Soak the washcloth in lukewarm water, squeeze it and gently wipe the baby’s body. Remember to keep the water lukewarm, as hot water also contributes to dry skin.

Right moisturizer – Moisturizers are great for preventing dry skin in babies. The best way to use a moisturizer or a baby balm is to apply it after bathing them. It is because the skin is slightly damp after the bath, which can absorb moisture easily. This way the little one can get the needed moisture.

Keep them hydrated – Nothing can beat the magic of breast milk for kids until they are 4-6 months old. It provides them with proper nutrients and hydration requirements. If the baby is still facing the problem, you can give him an oral rehydration solution (ORS) to make up for the lost water in their body.
Additionally, ensure that you are keeping your little munchkin in the controlled room temperature to prevent overheating. There is no doubt that you want to protect your kid from the cold, but overloading him with the clothes can cause him to sweat. So, dress them up appropriately in this weather. The best way is to put layers on him. In this way, you can remove the layers accordingly when the infant feels restless or hot.

Do not overheat the house – Not to mention that low temperatures and chilly cold winds lead to chapped skin for babies and other family members as well. You may be of the notion to keep your house super warm to beat the winters. But let us tell you something here! Overheating the home to a large extent results in dry skin even more. Thus, keep your house comfortable but ensure to keep it cool enough so that the child does not face the consequences.

To sum it all up
If you want to rejoice in the winter season to the full extent, get ready for all the health and skincare challenges that come with it. All it needs is to make a few changes in the skincare regime of the toddler to make this season enjoyable. So, don’t forget to take the help of the steps mentioned above and protect your little munchkin.

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