The fast pace of modern life can leave us feeling physical, emotionally and mentally overwhelmed and overloaded. We get caught up on a daily treadmill that absorbs so much of our time and energy that we never manage to fulfil our true potential. We perform a skilful juggling act to satisfy the demands of a career, running a home, sharing a love life, bringing up a family, balancing household finances and staying healthy. Add to these the information explosion, the benefits of new technology and the temptations of consumerism – and it is hardly surprising that many of us become so distracted that we lose track of who we really are and what we really want.
Detox for Life is about stepping off that treadmill and taking the time to start creating the life you really want – the life you truly desire to live. It is about learning to accentuate the positive and transforming or letting go of those things that stop you from being happy and fulfilled – whether this is an unhealthy relationship, a bad habit or negative thinking.
It is my belief that to find genuine fulfilment, we should look at our lives holistically. It’s no good having a perfect body and feeling depressed or having a beautiful house that is too untidy to appreciate. How we manage one area of our life has a knock-on effect on other areas, so, to create true harmony and balance, you should aim to have all the elements of your life working well.
That’s why this section; Detox for Life tackles mind, body and home – three essential areas where you can make immediate and positive changes that will bring about a real difference. My aim is to provide you with the tools to do just that – so stay tuned!

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