Nobody wants to run out of money. To avoid such a situation, it is very important to plan your income in a way that the right amount of money is saved when you finally get retired. One such way to invest is in real estate.
According to the research done by the American Psychiatric Association, around 68% of people worry about money, taking charge of their physical health. Investing in real estate not only ensures your financial wellness but also gives you a sense of relaxation after getting retired.
Real Estate lets you collect more income
You might not know where to start and what things to consider. However, with real estate investments, you only need to know the right location and the cost. That being settled, you can expect great profits in return. According to the experts at, a rental property can make more passive income as compared to other traditional investments. Not only this, it has another lot of benefits. If you are interested in knowing more about them, keep reading.
Ongoing income
The best part of adding real estate into your retirement planning is that rental income keeps on coming every month and year after year. You don’t have to worry about selling your property to produce income.
Rising capital and net worth with time
As already discussed, you are not selling your asset to produce any income. Instead, your net worth gets expanded and there is no chance of shrinking. The capital increases and grows in value with time. This results in greater cash flow for the retirement income.
Consistency of returns
When you consider buying a mutual fund, you are not sure about its performance. However, with real estate, this is not the case. It is quite easy to calculate rental property returns. Once you know the market standards, you can easily manage your property’s rent. For this, you can even hire a property manager and have a proper estimate of the market standards and average costs of maintenance and repair programs.

How much can you earn?
Usually, as an owner of a rental property, you would expect at least 7% of the capital investment in returns. Apart from that, you would want to consider your expenses also. For example, expenses can include taxes, insurance, repairs, mortgages, and maintenance. If you are investing around $100,000 in the property, you expect at least a net income of $7,000 in the year.
But, why 7% of the capital investment? This is because having around 7% of the capital investment compensates for the risks and relative illiquidity of your investment. It is very obvious that if a rental property demands numerous repairs, the costs will be reduced and your rental income will be declined. Thus, it is very important to manage the property and keep increasing its value by carrying out necessary repairs and maintenance.
As you can observe the importance of retirement planning, you should not avoid it at all. We agree that it requires a proactive approach. But if you start planning it wisely and consider real estate as one of the investments, you will never run short of money.

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