Life can feel hectic sometimes. It is far too easy to forget about your own wants and needs when you are stuck in the monotonous routine of work, eating, sleep, and repeat. This often chaotic hamster wheel can mean you start to neglect other important aspects of your life that are vital for achieving a healthy balance.
One part of life that many people forget about is their home. Having a calm and tranquil space is crucial for unwinding from a long day at work, but when you are so busy, it can be difficult to achieve this relaxing ambience in your home. If you think your living space could do with some TLC to transform it into a peaceful and enjoyable place to be, then keep reading for some simple tips to do just that.
Clever Storage Solutions
It is too easy to dump items and put them on a random surface instead of finding a home for them to be neatly tidied away. Some keepsakes are comforting to have on display in your home and can help to create a peaceful feel. However, too many items scattered throughout your home can have the opposite effect and can distract you from focussing on relaxation in your downtime. It can also mean it is more difficult to find important items when you need them, which can cause distress and exacerbate your energy levels.
If this is something that you think is preventing you from unwinding in your home, then you should consider investing in some clever storage solutions that fit with your home’s aesthetic. Pretty woven and wicker baskets look great slid underneath the TV stand or sitting on a shelf and are an excellent solution for all of your random bits.

Wall Art
Surrounding yourself with beautiful artwork can have a positive effect on your mood and can contribute to creating a calming space within the home. Consider colours when choosing your art. Some colours like blue are proven to have a soothing effect on people and are something you should consider when trying to make a calming space.
You don’t want to overrun your walls with wall art. However, a few carefully selected pieces can really transform your space. Think about the types of scenery you enjoy looking at. If you enjoy the sea and landscapes, then these beautiful triptych wall art sets could be just what you are looking for. Adorning your walls with photographs of happy memories with loved ones or inspirational quotes that you resonate with can also be effective for producing a peaceful space. But that is not all! You can even turn your heritage and history into a beautiful piece of art that adorns your home. In other words, you can get a coat of arms (popularly known as a family crest). Displaying your family crest serves as a constant reminder of your roots, a source of pride, and a conversation starter for guests.

Indoor plants have mood, productivity, and concentration-boosting qualities, which can help to reduce stress and fatigue. Plants can also clean the air in your home by absorbing any toxins and producing oxygen. It can also be gratifying and calming to nurture a plant, as many are long-lasting. Some plants require more maintenance than others, so it’s important to look into which plants you would reasonably be able to manage in your home.
Creating a peaceful home space can benefit your mental health as it is essential to switch off and relax after a long day. If you are stuck for ideas on how to introduce some calm to your home, these three simple tips should give you a good starting point.

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