As a working Mum, your business is just as important as your lifestyle. Yes, you work hard logging long hours, meticulously balancing your books and leaving no loose ends. But if you launched a business for lifestyle reasons, and the majority of women do, you’re not all work and no play. Maybe you like to cook, travel, or the annual family vacation?
As you know: The summer holidays are only about 2 weeks away and then it’s time to take a break – right? However, when you’re Building your Empire, there are really no holidays or are there? I am blessed to be working for myself and having a business that’s online gives me the freedom to work from anywhere in the world – which is pretty amazing and I must admit; it makes me love LOVE LIFE even more because I get to be around Khushi as much as I would like! I get to drop her off at school in the mornings and pick her up from school in the afternoon – this is when she’s full of excitement and has so much to share about how her day was, what she had for lunch, what she had been up to during break-time and so on.
A few years ago, I used to plan the Summer holidays down to every day – I would look at what activities were happening locally and in nearby towns, have themed days, competitions, reading challenges at local libraries, family days out, travel abroad and more.
But with years, as Khushi has grown into a gorgeous tween, I have now cut down the planning to half of what I used to do as it depends on what she fancied doing, however, we do plan a trip abroad (this year we are going Norway and then taking the ferry to Denmark) and a SPA break (which usually takes place the weekend before she goes back to school).
We’ll sit down together and discuss things we want to do and then create a Summer Holiday Bucket-list – this year we’ve got the following scheduled:
- Khushi goes to her Grandma’s for about 6 the same day she breaks off while I get some time to myself (!)
- Khushi has got 3-day Summer School – planning a picnic at our local park in the afternoon
- Family Engagement Party
- 1-week StayCation (themed holiday at home)
- Attend local food markets and cook up new recipes!
- 12 days holiday in Norway
- 2-day trip with the ferry to Denmark
- 2-day SPA break
- Day-trips to London
I print out a calendar for July & August and fill out the planned events 🙂
In-between all this, I am looking very much forward to just having a few quiet days at home just relaxing and watching ‘Gilmore Girls’ (it’s on Netflix!) with my Baby and of course work a couple of hours every day – the perks of having an online business and be able to work from anywhere! As my work is a Lifestyle related, I get Khushi involved in it. She’s herself, Editor of her website; ‘It’s a Tween Thing‘ and a blogger at ‘I am my Mummy’s Happiness‘. She’s also in charge of the cooking during weekends and holidays and cooks amazing meals from her favourite cooking books.
How do you balance work and motherhood during the holidays?

*Don’t forget to download my #FREE Lifestyle APP Live a Well-Designed Life
[…] or do something for myself, I feel guilty. I always feel like I should be working more on ‘Building my Empire‘ and spend quality time with Khushi (or use the money I want to use on myself on Khushi or […]