Most people do not particularly enjoy talking about death, especially their own. However, death is one of life’s seemingly ironic inevitabilities. To that end, it will be helpful for the people you love to make preparations for your death. This way, they can take their time to grieve and celebrate your life instead of becoming mired down in the logistics of planning your funeral.
Select a Headstone
A headstone is the focal point of your earthly afterlife. It is the marker that shows people where you will rest for eternity and the place they will visit time and again. You want it to reflect your personality and style. That is why you should be the one to choose it. Look for beautiful cemetery headstones in bronze that will stand the test of time. Pick a headstone with a vase centrepiece so your loved ones have a vessel to place your favourite blooms in when they visit.

Plan Your Funeral
Your funeral is an event. It is a time when the people who know and love you will come together to show their respects and reminisce about their memories of you. If you have a specific vision of what you wish your funeral to look like, there is no time like the present to put that idea into motion.
You can either contact a licensed funeral director or begin planning on your own. Consider some elements of a standard funeral, such as the following items and check them off your list.
- Songs or Playlist
- Photos and Videos
- Food
- Flowers
- Funeral Folders or Programs
- Speakers
- Obituary
This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but a good place to get started.

Create a Will and Trust
The act of creating a will and trust does not have a direct tie to planning a funeral, but it is an end-of-life task that you should check off of your to-do list. Your will and trust are essential documents that tell others who should care for your minor children should you pass away while they are still young. They direct the disbursement of your financial and physical estate into the hands of those you wish to benefit from what you have earned in your life.
Do not let another moment pass. Set up an appointment with a solicitor with experience in the field of wills, testaments, and trusts. Take this opportunity to create any end-of-life documents, such as powers of attorney and medical health directives, in addition to your will. Once you have finalized your necessary documents. Ensure you keep them in a safe place and let your family or power of attorney know where they are and how to access them.
Watch this video to learn more about what a legal trust entails.
Preparing for your own funeral is a surreal endeavour, but it needs to be done. When you are proactive in this pursuit, you will rest easy now because you know everything is in its place and your wishes will be met instead of leaving everything to chance and everyone to guess what you might have wanted after your death.

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