I plan for the upcoming week on a Sunday and decided to treat myself to the movies, I’ve heard so much about ‘Me Before You’ that I’d decided that’s the movie I wanted to watch. I booked the tickets on Sunday itself and scheduled it my journal and my Google Calendar (if I hadn’t actually booked the ticket that day, the chances of me going to the movies today would’ve been next to nothing!)
As you may know, I am a BIG advocate of Self-love & Self-Care, so going to the movies today (especially to watch ‘Me Before You’) was a proper treat! I haven’t read the book (which is a New York Times bestseller), but I absolutely fell in LOVE with the trailer (link below). I am a hopeless romantic person and my heart just melts watching movies like these.
The movie was absolutely beautiful (and just what I needed!), the story was great and the actors did an amazing job, especially Emilia Clarke – I just adored her and her quirkiness. There was one line that stuck with me which not only is a gentle reminder, but also has an important message:
“You’ve only got one life, and it is your duty to live it as fully as possible”.
– William Traynor
I cried a lot towards the end of the movie (I even brought tissues with me!). I was pretty emotional on the journey back home. I couldn’t help but wonder; We take a majority of everything we are and have for granted and we always tend to look at people that are more successful than ourselves (depending on how you define success of course!) instead of giving those who are worse off than us a thought.
With life’s hustle and bustle, being grateful isn’t always made a priority. I use an app on my tablet called ‘7 Days’ where I write down highlights and what I am grateful for daily. I also use my ‘Monthly Round-up’ (download the #FREE printable below) where I write down one thing I am grateful for daily throughout that month, then towards the end of the year, I go through all of 12 monthly round-ups and see how many good things/ achievements/highlights I’ve had!
Want to know what I am grateful for? Click here!
So my questions for you are;
- If you only had until the end of this year to live – what do you desire?
- What can you do to make it happen? How can you do it?
- What makes you feel alive?
- What makes you feel complete?
- How do you want to feel?
- What can you do to make that feeling happen?
- What are you passionate about?
- What makes you happy?
Why not read ‘How would you spend your ideal day?‘ (comes with a FREE printable) and start planning and doing things that really make you happy and feel alive? Need some more inspiration? Check out ‘That one question that’ll change your life‘.

*Don’t forget to download my #FREE Lifestyle APP Live a Well-Designed Life