Many people underestimate the power of drinking water and the positive effects it can have on your skin and your overall health. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, protecting you, storing lipids and water, preventing fluid loss and serving as thermoregulation. Drinking more water is the most natural way to get that beaming, glowing and healthy skin we all want.

Drink water - zerowater jug

Health benefits of drinking water:

  1. Better fat metabolism
  2. Decreased cravings
  3. Flushes toxins from the body
  4. Healthier skin and complexion
  5. and more…

ZeroWater is the only water filter brand that delivers the equivalent to purified bottled water into your home. ZeroWater’s 7-cup Ready-Pour™ pitcher is the first in its class that has a sealed lid and reservoir, making it possible to pour water that has already been filtered without spilling water that’s still filtering. This means the reservoir can now be kept full, adding a one cup capacity to the existing 6-cup design. This pitcher features an ergonomic, space-saving design perfect for mini-fridges or for users who prefer a lightweight pitcher.


The 7-cup Ready-Pour™ uses the premium ZeroWater filtration system, which combines FIVE sophisticated technologies that work together to remove virtually all dissolved solids from your water. The result is great-tasting water, straight from the tap, and the only pour-through filter pitcher on the market that’s certified by the NSF to reduce both lead and chromium.

ZeroWater’s first layer of filtration activated carbon and oxidation reduction alloy removes the chlorine taste you are accustom to with tap water. The Ion Exchange stage removes virtually all dissolved solids that may be left over from public water systems or even leached into your water from piping such as Aluminum, Lead, Zinc, Nitrate and more. Three additional stages are included to remove other impurities and to ensure your water receives the appropriate amount of treatment time to deliver a “000” reading on your water quality meter.


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